Cech slovenských gajdošov sa zapojil do programu Erasmus+ „Sieť európskych gajdošov“.
Návšteva Španielska (Aragon)
V rámci ERASMUS+ projektu » The Network of European Bagpipers« sa Mgr. Lukáš Lacko, Ing. Milan Rusko a prof. Bernard Garaj zúčastnili na šiestom podujatí tohto projektu, ktoré sa konalo od 05. do 10. júna 2024 v meste Graus v Španielsku. Návšteva bola zameraná na gajdošskú kultúru regiónu Aragónska.
V stredu 05.06.2024 prileteli Bernard a Milan do Barcelony a dopravili sa do historického mestečka Graus, kde ich už čakal Lukáš. Prvý večer sme sa len ubytovali a oddýchli si po ceste.
Vo štvrtok 06.06.2024 začal program v kultúrnom centre Espacio Pirineos prednáškami o rôznych typoch španielskych gájd, o tradičnej hudbe a nástrojoch regiónu Ribagorza, o tradičných tancoch v Aragónsku a o tradíciach a tradičných festivaloch/slávnostiach v regióne Ribagorza. Pomedzi tieto prednášky sme navštívili múzem Casa Paco, obzreli si historickú čast mesta Graus a navštívili obecný úrad.
Večer sme si spoločne pripravili tradičnú paelu na večeru.
V piatok 07.06.2024 sme navštívili druhé centrum gajdošstva regiónu Aragón, historické mesto Ainsa. Dozvedeli sme sa vývoji nástrojov v tomto regióne a stretli sa s lokálnymi muzikantami. Večer sme si pozreli vystúpenie tanečných súborov a aragónskych gajdošov, na konci ktorého sme tiež vystúpili a predviedli naše tradičné gajdovanie.
V sobotu 08.06.2024 sme navštívili posledné tretie z najväčších centier aragónskeho gajdošstva, Benavarri. Tu sme boli svedkami historického festivalu spojeného s procesiou po meste a šabľového tanca Ball dels palitrocs. Bol to naozaj nevšedný zážitok.
Nedeľu 09.06.2024 sme započali nahrávaním účastníkov projektu. Obzreli sme si dielňu Na obed sme sa presunuli do Roda de Isábena, kde sme navštívili katedrálu. Cestou naspäť do graus sme ešte navštívili budhistický chrám Dag Shang Kagyu.
V pondelok 10.06.2024 sme odcestovali do Barcelony, odkiaľ sme večer leteli domov.
As part of the ERASMUS+ project “The Network of European Bagpipers”, Mgr. Lukáš Lacko, Ing. Milan Rusko, and Prof. Bernard Garaj participated in the sixth event of this project, which took place from June 5 to June 10, 2024, in the town of Graus in Spain. The visit was focused on the bagpipe culture of the Aragon region.
On Wednesday, June 5, 2024, Bernard and Milan flew to Barcelona and traveled to the historic town of Graus, where Lukáš was already waiting for them. The first evening we just settled in and rested after the journey.
On Thursday, June 6, 2024, the program began at the cultural center Espacio Pirineos with lectures on various types of Spanish bagpipes, traditional music and instruments of the Ribagorza region, traditional dances in Aragon, and traditions and traditional festivals/celebrations in the Ribagorza region. Between these lectures, we visited the Casa Paco museum, looked around the historic part of the town of Graus, and visited the town hall. In the evening, we prepared a traditional paella for dinner together.
On Friday, June 7, 2024, we visited the second center of bagpiping in the Aragon region, the historic town of Ainsa. We learned about the development of instruments in this region and met with local musicians. In the evening, we watched a performance of dance ensembles and Aragonese bagpipers, at the end of which we also performed and demonstrated our traditional bagpiping.
On Saturday, June 8, 2024, we visited the last third of the largest centers of Aragonese bagpiping, Benavarri. Here we witnessed a historic festival associated with a procession through the town and a saber dance Ball dels palitrocs. It was truly an extraordinary experience.
On Sunday, June 9, 2024, we started recording the participants of the project. We looked around the workshop. For lunch, we moved to Roda de Isábena, where we visited the cathedral. On the way back to Graus, we also visited the Buddhist temple Dag Shang Kagyu.
On Monday, June 10, 2024, we traveled to Barcelona, from where we flew home in the evening.